
Vanishree S Nair

In pursuit

On 17th day after the celebration of New Year in the year 2000 I was born weak and fragile , Doctors doubted if I would survive but here I am alive and healthy with unhealthy habits😬 writing (typing) this so Hurray for surviving 🥳 with no efforts of mine and more efforts of my parents ….

I grew up doing (still doing) all naughty, upside-down & mischievous things which was the least expected behaviour from me being a daughter of 2 teachers and a Obedient elder brother (actually he is the mischievous one but he knows when to put out that behaviour and when not to unlike me) . In this Voyage of life when there is so much yet to discover the discovered journey of life was on a rollercoaster with n number of ups and downs and spirals and zig zags and on and on and on and on….. Uffff the ride is still on going through many more discovered and undiscovered paths unearthing my own self.

It was in this journey that i discovered trying to put emotions into words or penning down the fictitious drama, love or chaos in my head or simply scribble how good or bad my day was in my dairy (which I update very rarely) or type a few unfinished lines out of my thoughts (basically writing down or typing the stuffs in my head) brought comfort just like one of those relaxing hobbies …I started this blog to share these write ups but ended putting up some of my other pass time works too… I think it’ll be fun too sit and re-read these stuffs in future when I lose touch with these stuffs n it may reunite me with them again 😛 and maybe just maybe be a blog which you read for timepass 😛

If you’re still reading….Thanks Buddy ♡ for stopping by to view some of my Artistic mess XD Hope to see you again… Good Day ❀

My Amateur Interests

  • Reading |Books really are your Best friends -Now I’m in that stage where I love buying n collecting books but not really reading as much as my want to buy them|
  • Sketching-Drawing-Painting.
  • Dance | whirl-twirl-sway to my soul’s rhythm|
  • Singing |more like trying to sing|

  • Guitar |on the 1st step of learning|
  • Handicrafts |I collect scrap telling that one day I’ll make art out of it (but i don’t really use them) I did use some of my collections to make gifts for my loved ones ♡|
  • Cooking-Baking | Not great at it, often will end up making disasters yet love trying some new dishes and make new disasters …. Ahem I mean make new recipes 😛|
  • Monkeying around |it is my favorite pass time XD|
  • To be continued……..